

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Learning about LIFE through Renovating

We have just taken on our first renovating ever! Our little townhouse is getting a mini makeover.  The floors are being ripped up and new tiles going down.  When we took the floor up we were amazed to find that roots had come in underneath the floor and were growing in the house!
All these mini fern like plants had started to feed their way across the concrete and grow. This was so astounding to me as I just could not beleive that they could actually grow in the house. But then it proved to me that LIFE can happen anywhere! Given natural light, moisture and soil like the song goes: 
(thank you DC Talk for those lyrics).
In my small house sometimes I can overlook what is right in front of me! 
That right underneath my feet, unbeknown to me, LIFE was growing.
LIFE IS HAPPENING! LIFE IS UNFOLDING! Whether I choose to have my eyes open to see it or not. 
Right now in the midst of my renovations, my dearest friend lost her husband. Suddenly, no warning, just gone. So unfolding before my eyes, is this story of her heart, her new journey. Do you know what she chose to do in the midst of her loss? She gathered her friends to her home  a few days after, and opened it up for praise and worship.  What a way to deal with loss.  She knows her husband is with His Creator, and she just wants to thank the Lord and praise Him for His goodness. I love this girlfriend, and she has me in awe of her right now.
  And the same week I am starting a program for Girls to place value, strength and purpose in their life.  Creating and putting things together to show these young girls how much they are loved.
Everything happening at once. LIFE COMING AT ME FAST!

But this is LIFE.......


Comforting those who mourn

Encouraging one another

Stopping amidst the chaos to praise Him

and lets not forget..Renovating

So here I am walking on concrete floors, squeezing past things in my bedroom to get to my bed, because all the furniture has been shoved anywhere just so we can rip up the floor, but I am loving that I am in the midst of this crazy life. 
Somehow I think that I thought that I would be renovating my house, and I would be focused on the task at hand,

but LIFE in not always scheduled, nor a respecter of convenience.


LIFE, just like my roots that had started to grow inside my lounge, has this ability to spread itself out, and continuing to grow, despite circumstances or routine. It  will creep up on you unexpectantly, not to scare you, but to beckon you to come out and see beyond what is front of you.

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